After your surgery you will be given specific post-operative instruction sheets for your particular procedure as follows:

Wound Care

Unless otherwise informed, please keep your dressings intact and dry until your first review with Dr Chia. This may involve using a plastic bag to protect the affected body part when showering.

Pain Relief

Your anaesthesist will provide you with a script for analgesics when you are discharged from hospital. These should be adequate to control your pain. If this is not the case or if your pain changes considerably, please contact the rooms on 1800 553 335 or your local hospital Emergency Department (if severe).


You will be given specific instructions regarding weight bearing status and aids (e.g. crutches) upon discharge. In most cases, it is advisable to begin using the affected joint (unless otherwise instructed) within your pain tolerance. It is normal for there to be a small to moderate amount of swelling in the joint which can be worsened by activity. In this situation ice and elevation of the limb is usually very effective. Unless otherwise arranged, fo

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a potentially serious complication of any surgical procedure. After some procedures (but not all) you will be given specific medication to prevent this but please be vigilant for any sudden change in calf pain/swelling/tenderness or shortness of breath. This applies even more so if you have risk factors such as a family history of clotting problems, smoking, oral contraceptive pill use or prolonged immobility.

Follow Up

Upon discharge from hospital, you will be asked to contact the rooms to make a follow up appointment. This is usually around 10-14 days following your surgery but may differ according to your individual circumstances.


For optimal recovery after your surgery, it is important to start early physiotherapy. Benefits in the first weeks include protecting the surgical repair as well as minimising post-operative pain and swelling.